Thematic Field 1: Technology for Precision Medicine

Our mission is to transform the provision of health and care by development and use of

  • humanoid and companion robots
  • digital twins for individualized simulations
  • devices such as voice activated assistants
  • tailored technology such as novel accelerators and precision manufacturing

to provide widely available, affordable technologies designed to meet the needs of populations today and tomorrow.

We build and use technology to interact with and respond to people, adapting to their behavior, emotions and needs to optimally support their health and wellbeing. Precision medicine requires tailored solutions that can only scale through robust, automated technical workflows.

We leverage enabling technologies to achieve these ambitious goals:

  • artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • simulation technology
  • manufacturing technology
  • tailored human machine interfaces
Technology for Precision Medicine
Technology for Precision Medicine
Humanoid Robotics, Exoskeletons and Artificial Intelligence
Humanoid Robotics, Exoskeletons and Artificial Intelligence

We investigate the development and use of humanoid and companion robots, digital twins and devices, such as voice activated assistants, to transform the provision of health and care, from ambient assisted living and health monitoring to cognitive training and social engagement. 

Intervention of the Future
Intervention of the Future

Research groups at KIT research and develop systems and methods for automated and intelligent surgical assistance and for future autonomous interventions.

Digital Twins & Simulation Technology
Digital Twins & Simulation Technology

Research groups at KIT develop and maintain multiple software packages for modeling and simulation of biomedical processes. The perfectly controlled environment of these engineering tools generates added value for example when used to build digital twins, which are personalized computational models of an individual person. 

Accelerator Technologies
Accelerator Technologies

We develop particle accelerators and related enabling technologies with applications in precision medicine, in particular in radiation therapy.


Thematic Field 1: Technology for Precision Medicine

Our mission is to transform the provision of health and care by development and use of

  • humanoid and companion robots
  • digital twins for individualized simulations
  • devices such as voice activated assistants
  • tailored technology such as novel accelerators and precision manufacturing

to provide widely available, affordable technologies designed to meet the needs of populations today and tomorrow.

We build and use technology to interact with and respond to people, adapting to their behavior, emotions and needs to optimally support their health and wellbeing. Precision medicine requires tailored solutions that can only scale through robust, automated technical workflows.

We leverage enabling technologies to achieve these ambitious goals:

  • artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • simulation technology
  • manufacturing technology
  • tailored human machine interfaces
Technology for Precision Medicine
Technology for Precision Medicine

Research Fields

Humanoid Robotics, Exoskeletons and Artificial Intelligence
Humanoid Robotics, Exoskeletons and Artificial Intelligence

At KIT, we investigate the development and use of humanoid and companion robots, digital twins and devices, such as voice activated assistants, to transform the provision of health and care, from ambient assisted living and health monitoring to cognitive training and social engagement. 

Intervention of the Future
Intervention of the Future

Research groups at KIT research and develop systems and methods for automated and intelligent surgical assistance and for future autonomous interventions.

Digital Twins & Simulation Technology
Digital Twins & Simulation Technology

Research groups at KIT develop and maintain multiple software packages for modeling and simulation of biomedical processes with strong international user communities. 

Accelerator Technologies
Accelerator Technologies

Research groups at KIT develop particle accelerators and related enabling technologies with applications in precision medicine, in particular in radiation therapy.
